Our SSU Partnership
Since our founding in 1912, the Horace Mann Laboratory School has benefited from a close relationship with Salem State University, which sends eager education students to our school to support our mission and learn the art of teaching from our teacher-supervisors.
The Salem State-HMLS partnership provides many benefits on both sides:
- Teacher-supervisors are experienced educators who work closely with university students to model best practices in curriculum and instruction and provide professional guidance, advice and support.
- Juniors, seniors and graduate teacher candidates enrolled in teacher licensure programs assume more responsibility in the classrooms.
- SSU students are coached and supervised by the HMLS teachers.
- Teacher fellows in the fifth year of their teacher preparation program, receive a stipend and spend a full year at HMLS, working full-time, five days per week.
- Our students enjoy the enthusiasm of young educators who bring new ideas and fresh approaches to our classrooms.
- University students work with small groups of our students during literacy and math times, providing extra support and smaller student-teacher ratios.Â
We are proud of this long and successful relationship and hope for its continuation for future students and faculty of both schools.