Welcome to the Horace Mann Laboratory School

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Horace Mann Laboratory School

Horace Mann Laboratory School strives to create a learning environment where children and adults are respected.  Students are nurtured and challenged to achieve their highest potential through a quality educational program. Our teachers approach learning in a systematic and consistent manner, incorporating creative and innovative teaching into curriculum that supports state and district standards. We develop strong relationships with our families that foster lifelong learning while helping children grow to become contributing members of our community.

First Day of School

Grades 1-5: Wednesday, Sept. 4; Pre-K, K: Monday, Sept. 9

School Type

Elementary School PK-5

Estimated Enrollment

317 Students

School Meals

Breakfast & Lunch


K-5: 7:50AM – 1:55PM | PreK: 7:40AM – 1:40PM; Early Release Times: PreK: 11:00AM | K-5: 11:20AM

2024-25 Student Handbook
2024-25 School Calendar


Jill Tully

HMLS Spirit wear Store

If you would like to purchase HMLS swag, click here to visit our store.

Friendly Reminders

Kindergarten – 5th Grade: Arrival: 7:50 AM | Dismissal: 1:55 PM

Kindergarten-5th Grade: Early Dismissal Time: 11:20 AM

PreK: Arrival: 7:40 AM | Dismissal: 1:40 PM

PreK Early Dismissal Time: 11:00 AM

MCAS Calendar

School Resources

Thank you for your continued partnership in supporting your child’s learning. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Parent Square Guideline

Arrival/Dismissal Protocols

Dismissal Plan
It is very important that we know your child’s dismissal plan so we can ensure they get home safely. If anything is going to change (i.e. you are going to pick up instead of going on the bus) you MUST communicate this to BOTH your child’s teacher AND the office BEFORE 1:30. 

Health Tips from SPS Nurses

Community Resources/Events

The Salem Food Pantry: The Market, 47 Leavitt St, Salem MA

The Market

Our shelves are stocked with locally grown produce, dairy, eggs, milk, bread, and protein choices, all of which are completely free!

Visiting The Market

There are no income or residential requirements to shop at The Market. No documentation is required when registering.

Visiting The Market for the first time?
Register online in advance to start shopping as soon as you arrive.https://yourmarket.my.site.com/s/intake?language=en_US

Not able to register online? Don’t worry! Their team can help you register during your first visit.


The House of the Seven Gables offers FREE English as a Second Language (ESL) and Citizenship classes to adults

New students must register in person and take a placement test.

To request more information on these classes, click the link below.

Learn More

115 Derby St, Salem, MA 01970

(978) 744-0991

The House of the Seven Gables Website:https://7gables.org/settlement-classes/

79, Willson Street, Salem, Massachusetts, 01970, United States

79 Willson Street
Salem, MA 01970